Wednesday, December 30, 2009

im begging

Ok, Im going to beg. I have no followers. Im not an awful person, I mean it. I realize not everyone is an adoptive parent, but Im start to get a

so how about it, anyone want to follow me?


  1. I am not an adoptive parent but I desperately disapprove of abortion which means I completely support adoption. I love to meet parents who are loving enough to open their home and their heart to a child who needs. It's a great thing, adoption. God bless your family.

  2. I'm following now, although I'm not an adoptive parent. Hope that helps your complex. :)

  3. Now im following you. As a parent I hope we could learn something from each other. Hope to see you around. Happy New Year !

  4. he he he, thank you guys. I know, a shallow way to get followers.

  5. It can take a while to get the word out. Post your blog along with a description in the zazzle forum and anywhere else it's allowed.
